2012年10月19日 星期五

Bloody Saturday!

Bloody Saturday! Vampire Pupura want more blood...>v<

Pupura Halloween special Wallpaper

萬聖節期間,只要登入Candpark Facebook專頁 ,即可免費下載Iphone及Galaxy Note手機桌布!

2012年8月2日 星期四

London 2012 olympics

Pupura support the Hong Kong badminton team in London 2012 olympics tonight!!Fighting!!! @v@

2012年7月22日 星期日

Shin Kong Mitsukoshi department store Figure Show 2012


7月19日(四) - 8月05日(日) 台中中港店 10F文化館
8月10日(五) - 8月26日(日) 台北信義新天地A9館 9F宴會展演館
8月29日(三) - 9月23日(日) 高雄左營店 11F文化會館

Once every four years, the Olympic Games draw near. Pupura is honored to join this amazing event related activities. From now until September 23, Toy & figure show will be held by Shin Kong Mitsukoshi department store at Kaohsiung, Taichung and Taipei in Taiwan. The show include 12 designer toys icon、12 inches action figure and 30 designers customized figure with Olympic Games theme, total over 500 figures will be displayed at venues.

The date of the show:
Jul 19 (Thu) - Aug 05 (Sun) Taichung SKM Department store 10F
Aug 10 (Fri) - Aug 26 (Sun) Taipei Xinyi New Life Square SKM Department store 9F
Aug 29 (Wed) - Sep 23 (Sun) Kaohsiung SKM Department store 11F

No dreamer is ever too small, no dream is ever too big!

2012年7月17日 星期二

Pupura Jewelry Collection~

Pupura Jewelry Collection is coming soon!!! Necklaces, Earrings and Rings will sales in HKID Gallery The Peak and Tsuen Wan Store at the end of this month.

2012年7月15日 星期日

Pupura Classic Tote Bag

Pupura Classic Tote Bag on sale now!!! 2 colors releases , red and purple, 100% Cotton.
size: 37cm(W) x 36cm(H) x 11cm(D) , priced at HKD $ 150 (10% off discount for online order by local mail!)
For more details, please visit www.facebook.com/candpark or email to info@candpark.com.

Pupura Classic Tote bag而家有得賣啦! 有紅色及紫色兩款,100%純綿製造。
呎吋:37cm(W) x 36cm(H) x 11cm(D) ,售價HKD $150,網上訂購可享九折優惠!(包本地平郵)

Activies before Bed

Pupura loves to read before bed! She think that is a relaxing activity and help her easy to sleep.......

2012年7月12日 星期四

2012年7月4日 星期三

Pupura Product News!

Pupura Classic Tote Bag is coming soon!!!
In this hot summer, you can carry her to go shopping with you to enjoy this lovely and fantasy vacation! @v@
You can visit our facebook page for more details about the sales!

Cyclist P. is ready to go Taiwan!!!

Cyclist P. will be exhibit in Kaohsiung, Taichung and Taipei in Taiwan from end of July to Sept 2012. Please stay tuned for details of the exhibition! @v@

2012年6月18日 星期一

In the Rainy Day

In moody day, I went to my fd's bistro to get a lovely waffle, that let me get back to good mood!@v@

2012年6月14日 星期四

Mushroom Forest Adventure

Today, Pupura decided to go mushroom forest with wonderful weather~ Mushroom looks like a Candy , let everyone want to taste it (Hope that is not a poison mushroom ..) ~ @ v @

2012年6月8日 星期五

CandPark @ HKID Gallery

CandPark現以進駐HKID Gallery!!由即日起,除Facebook專頁外,於山頂廣場及荃灣廣場的HKID Gallery亦可購買到Pupura系列產品。HKID Gallery會員購物更有9折優惠!

CandPark is glad to present its products in the HKID Gallery! From now on, you may find the collection of the Pupura products at the HKID Gallery, The Peak Galleria shop & Tsuen Wan Plaza shop. The member of the HKID Gallery will receive 10% off any purchase.
Please stay tuned for our new products! @v@

About HKID Gallery
HKID Gallery is an art store and gallery for supporting the development of local art and culture.
They provide an optimal platform for artists to exhibit or sell their artworks with extremely low cost. They are working under a non-profit way and is financially supported by LATIT LTD.
HKID Gallery now have over 200 Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China and Taiwan Artists, most of their products are HANDMADE by themselves and... UNIQUE!

2012年6月6日 星期三

CandPark即將進駐HKID Gallery!!!

CandPark即將進駐HKID Gallery啦!喜歡Pupura同佢既相關產品,就請密切留意啦! @v@

2012年5月29日 星期二



2012年5月27日 星期日



2012年5月25日 星期五

CandPark@Youth Square創藝墟

iphone case產品將優惠價發售,部份產品更首次開賣,數量極旱,如要帶佢地返屋企就要早啲到場買啦。
凡於當日惠顧本攤位,可獲贈普普娜與骷髏博士貼紙,惠顧滿$120,更可獲贈1套4款精美的普普娜 Postcard(價值$30),一於由普普娜幫你將心意寄比朋友仔。
CandPark @ 創藝墟
地址:香港柴灣柴灣道238號 青年廣場Y展覽平台

2012年4月3日 星期二

2012年3月27日 星期二

Comic of Circus P

From now, pupura comic is starting to post on candpark's blog, if you would like to know more story about Pupura & her friends, please looking forward to this page^^



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